28 Dec 2010

Incoming 2011...

salam and slmt sejahtera to all....

now I try to convert my blog to English. Since there's a few of friends said that they can't really understand my 'pasar words"...he3... I;ll try my best to do it...I'm not speak english fluently and frequently...it may also helps my English writing and the way I speak in English....also typing :p

the 2011 just around the corner..all this while a lot of things happened to everyone. anyone should have their own lif e story and whatever they want in incoming year..same goes to me...but for me, as long as it benefited me and others, I will try my best to get it. I do have my own priority in live, but i don't want to emphasize the way and how I want to achieve it. bcoz it mya hurt if you don't get what you are really aim to...

as long as iknow how is life running through, not a big deal...with a great family support and friends, we can survive...InsyaALLAH...

wish all the best to all...

-wanabey- (^_^)

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