20 Mar 2008

Maulidur Rasul

dalam mengenalmu
kami susuri lembaran sirahmu
pahit getir perjuanganmu
membawa cahaya kebenaran

Engkau taburkan perjuanganmu
Untuk umatmu yang tercinta
Biar terpaksa tempuh derita
Cekalnya hatimu menempuh ranjaunya"


Tercipta satu lembaran sejarah
Di tanah suci Kota Mekah
Hari yang mulia penuh saa'adah
Bermulalah sebuah kisah

Malam isnin subuh yang indah
Dua belas rabiul'awal yang cerah
Dua puluh april tahun gajah
Lahirlah zuriat yang saa'adah

Abdullah nama bapanya
Siti Aminah ibunya
Riang gembira menyambutnya
Lahirnya putra yang utama

Muhammad nama diberi
Gelaran yang terpuji
Nikmat Illahi sama disyukuri
Terima putra yang berbakti

Keadaan yatim anak mulia
Lahirnya bawa cahaya
Alam derita jadi gembira
Terima junjungan mulia


It has been created this history,
At the holy land of Makkah
What a holy day full of happiness
This tale thus began.

On the Monday eve, on an enchanting dawn
On a bright day of 12 Rabiul Awal
20 April, in the Year of Elephant,
A child was born, such happiness

Abdullah was his father's name
Siti Aminah was his mother
Full of joy and happiness at his birth
On receiving a remarkable son

Muhammad was his given name
The most praised one that is the meaning
All were very grateful to Allah's blessings
On receiving a son full of good deeds

Raised as an orphan this holy son
His birth radiated lights
The gloomy world became glorious
On receiving the holy one

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